






4 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hope you got my message Brian.
    Launch of poetry collection DOLL on sept 22,in Writers’ Centre.

    And re how much I enjoyed WINNER OF SORROW.

    Teresa Lally.

  2. Hello Brian, I came across this comment you made on an internet search;
    Thank you for most interesting material re Duras House. My grandfather, Florimond Quinn, was the son of the Count’s companion and agent, John Quinn. We acquired the house after the death of the Count and lived there until the 1920s. I’d be most grateful if you could pass this on to Guy de Framond. Best wishes,
    Brian Lynch

    As you possibly are aware, An Oige sold the hostel recently and I am the new owner. I intend to renovate the house and use it as my family home. I was wondering if you have any information or old photos that you could send me in relation to the house. I am trying to get an old photo of the house/grounds and perhaps you may have one of your grandfather there from 1920’s? I would appreciate if you can offer any help with images before we begin restoration. Kind Regards

    John Donnellan.

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